EPIC Forum: Reimagining Buildings for a Carbon Neutral Future

About the Event

As the work to achieve carbon neutrality in the electricity sector by 2045 continues, California is presented with a unique opportunity to reimagine new and existing building development. Using advanced technologies, new practices in architecture and construction, enhanced load flexibility, and incorporating innovative policy and financing models, California’s innovators are developing the blueprint to create super-efficient, all-electric buildings powered primarily by onsite renewable energy and capable of supporting the larger electric grid.

During the EPIC Forum: Decarbonizing Buildings for a Carbon Neutral Future, attendees explored exciting industry advancements, the challenges that exist to scale them and the opportunities we can pursue to accelerate building decarbonization across building types and communities. 

What Is the EPIC Virtual Forum?


The virtual forum was an online conference and interactive platform that will brought hundreds of clean tech innovators together to share best practices, learn about emerging technology, and connect about future projects and partnerships. 

The forum featured plenary panels, breakout sessions, networking opportunities, a virtual exhibit hall, and more.


Agenda and Presentations

Find the most up-to-date Agenda here.


10:00 AM
10:00 AM
- 10:10 AM

Opening Remarks

Click the speakers below to view individual presentations and speakers biographies.
10:10 AM
10:10 AM
- 10:30 AM

Keynote Speaker

Click the speakers below to view individual presentations and speakers biographies.
10:30 AM
10:30 AM
- 11:30 AM

The Future of Decarbonization in the Built Environment 

California has long been a leader in establishing building decarbonization practices. However, the challenges of climate change and the affordable housing crisis have forced lawmakers and policy leaders to reassess our approach on new real estate development and existing building improvements. Innovation in architecture, planning, policy, technology, construction, and financing are leading to new approaches in achieving zero net carbon buildings. Join a virtual living room style chat as we explore these exciting industry advancements, the challenges that exist to scale them, and the opportunities we can pursue to accelerate building decarbonization across building types and communities.

Click the speakers below to view individual presentations and speakers biographies.
11:30 AM
11:30 AM
- 12:10 PM

Lightning Talk 5x5s: Building Material Solutions

Significant innovation has taken place in the effort to decarbonize buildings; Lightning Talks bring these innovations to the forefront in fast-paced, five-minute presentations from some of the leading visionaries and industry disruptors. This breakout session will feature different industry leaders, technology developers, and community representatives that are highlighting the way toward building decarbonization.

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11:30 AM
11:30 AM
- 12:10 PM

Lightning Talk 5x5s: Grid & Energy Storage Solutions

Significant innovation has taken place in the effort to decarbonize buildings; Lightning Talks bring these innovations to the forefront in fast-paced, five-minute presentations from some of the leading visionaries and industry disruptors. This breakout session will feature different industry leaders, technology developers, and community representatives that are highlighting the way toward building decarbonization.

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11:30 AM
11:30 AM
- 12:10 PM

Lightning Talk 5x5s: Solutions in Heating, Cooling, and Overall Energy Efficiency

Significant innovation has taken place in the effort to decarbonize buildings; Lightning Talks bring these innovations to the forefront in fast-paced, five-minute presentations from some of the leading visionaries and industry disruptors. This breakout session will feature different industry leaders, technology developers, and community representatives that are highlighting the way toward building decarbonization.

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11:30 AM
11:30 AM
- 12:10 PM

Lightning Talk 5x5s: Microgrid & Solar Solutions

Significant innovation has taken place in the effort to decarbonize buildings; Lightning Talks bring these innovations to the forefront in fast-paced, five-minute presentations from some of the leading visionaries and industry disruptors. This breakout session will feature different industry leaders, technology developers, and community representatives that are highlighting the way toward building decarbonization.

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11:30 AM
11:30 AM
- 12:10 PM

Lightning Talk 5x5s: Solutions in the Planning Process

Significant innovation has taken place in the effort to decarbonize buildings; Lightning Talks bring these innovations to the forefront in fast-paced, five-minute presentations from some of the leading visionaries and industry disruptors. This breakout session will feature different industry leaders, technology developers, and community representatives that are highlighting the way toward building decarbonization.

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12:10 PM
12:10 PM
- 12:40 PM

Networking Break

12:15 PM
12:15 PM
- 4:00 PM

Technology Showcase Open

The Technology Showcase will be open from 12:10pm - 4:00pm for attendees to view at their leisure.

Join the technology and policy innovators driving the push to California’s building decarbonization future in a unique virtual showcase experience. Attendees can explore the Forum’s Virtual Exhibit Hall and hear technology demonstrations, download collateral materials, and speak one-on-one with exhibitors

12:40 PM
12:40 PM
- 1:40 PM

Breakout Session 1.1: Developing the Framework: How Construction Practices are Evolving

The introduction of new and innovative construction practices has extended the realm of what is possible for reducing emissions and energy intensity in the built environment. Learn how advances in construction practices, such as prefabricated construction, are intersecting with low-carbon building development.

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12:40 PM
12:40 PM
- 1:40 PM

Breakout Sessions 1.2: Smart Building Solutions for a 100% Renewable Electric Grid

Smart buildings have unleashed the possibility of dynamic load flexibility to balance the grid for high penetrations of renewable electricity generation. Hear from thought leaders and technology innovators on how buildings can play a more pivotal role in the energy system of the future and benefit with an added revenue stream.

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12:40 PM
12:40 PM
- 1:40 PM

Breakout Sessions 1.3: Accessing Affordability through Technology Solution

Achieving a true triple bottom line of success rests on ensuring that low income Californians and Californians living in communities designated as “disadvantaged” by CalEnviroScreen can benefit from the race to zero carbon buildings.  Dive into a collaborative and interactive discussion on achieving affordability and improving access to clean energy building technologies.

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1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

1. Empower Innovation Session: The Next EPIC Challenge

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Next EPIC Challenge: Reimagining Affordable Mixed-Use Development in a Carbon-Constrained Future funding opportunity. 

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1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

2. Empower Innovation Session: The Next EPIC Challenge

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Next EPIC Challenge: Reimagining Affordable Mixed-Use Development in a Carbon-Constrained Future funding opportunity. 

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1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

3. Empower Innovation Session: The Next EPIC Challenge

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Next EPIC Challenge: Reimagining Affordable Mixed-Use Development in a Carbon-Constrained Future funding opportunity. 

Watch Recording

1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

4. Empower Innovation Session: The Next EPIC Challenge

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Next EPIC Challenge: Reimagining Affordable Mixed-Use Development in a Carbon-Constrained Future funding opportunity. 

Watch Recording

1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

5. Empower Innovation Session: The Next EPIC Challenge

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Next EPIC Challenge: Reimagining Affordable Mixed-Use Development in a Carbon-Constrained Future funding opportunity. 

Watch Recording

1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

6. Empower Innovation Session: The Next EPIC Challenge

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Next EPIC Challenge: Reimagining Affordable Mixed-Use Development in a Carbon-Constrained Future funding opportunity. 

Watch Recording

1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

7. Empower Innovation Session: The Next EPIC Challenge

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Next EPIC Challenge: Reimagining Affordable Mixed-Use Development in a Carbon-Constrained Future funding opportunity. 

Watch Recording

10:00 AM
10:00 AM
- 10:10 AM

Opening Remarks

Click the speakers below to view individual presentations and speakers biographies.
10:10 AM
10:10 AM
- 10:30 AM

Keynote Speaker

Click the speakers below to view individual presentations and speakers biographies.
10:30 AM
10:30 AM
- 11:30 AM

Breakout Session 2.1: Your Guide to Financing a Zero Emissions Building

Your Guide to Financing a Zero Emissions Building
A variety of models and incentives exist that can help to ensure the “cents” pencil out on low-carbon building projects. Join a financing focused discussion to learn about market rate and affordability-based programs to learn building decarbonization can be accomplished without busting budgets.

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Click the speakers below to view individual presentations and speakers biographies.
10:30 AM
10:30 AM
- 11:30 AM

Breakout Session 2.2: Building Design with Innovation in Mind: Efficiency as a Secondary Benefit

Building Design with Innovation in Mind: Efficiency as a Secondary Benefit
Creative and attractive technology design has helped usher in a broader user appeal while still achieving energy efficiency. Hear from technology disruptors on how their energy technologies are opening up new design opportunities buildings.

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10:30 AM
10:30 AM
- 11:30 AM

Breakout Session 2.3: Building for Resiliency: Adapting to a New Reality

Building for Resiliency: Adapting to a New Reality
Honing in on transforming emissions and energy use in new buildings only solves part of the challenge, especially in areas that are experiencing significant impacts from climate change. Dive into an interactive and collaborative dialogue on how new design, development, and building technologies are helping to creating more resilient communities.

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Click the speakers below to view individual presentations and speakers biographies.
11:30 AM
11:30 AM
- 12:10 PM

Live Session: Lightning Talks: Welcome to My Neighborhood

Significant innovation has taken place in the design and development efforts to decarbonize buildings. Lightning Talks bring these innovators to the forefront in fast-paced, five-minute presentations from community leaders. This breakout session will feature thought leaders who are paving the way toward the decarbonization of buildings.

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Click the speakers below to view individual presentations and speakers biographies.
11:30 AM
11:30 AM
- 12:10 PM

Session 1: Lightning Talks: Welcome to My Neighborhood

Significant innovation has taken place in the design and development efforts to decarbonize buildings. Lightning Talks bring these innovators to the forefront in fast-paced, five-minute presentations from community leaders. This breakout session will feature thought leaders who are paving the way toward the decarbonization of buildings.

Watch Recording

Click the speakers below to view individual presentations and speakers biographies.
11:30 AM
11:30 AM
- 12:10 PM

Session 2: Lightning Talks: Welcome to My Neighborhood

Significant innovation has taken place in the design and development efforts to decarbonize buildings. Lightning Talks bring these innovators to the forefront in fast-paced, five-minute presentations from community leaders. This breakout session will feature thought leaders who are paving the way toward the decarbonization of buildings.

Watch Recording

Click the speakers below to view individual presentations and speakers biographies.
12:10 PM
12:10 PM
- 12:40 PM

Networking Break

12:15 PM
12:15 PM
- 4:00 PM

Technology Showcase Open

The Technology Showcase will be open from 12:10pm - 4:00pm for attendees to view at their leisure.

Join the technology and policy innovators driving the push to California’s building decarbonization future in a unique virtual showcase experience. Attendees can explore the Forum’s Virtual Exhibit Hall and hear technology demonstrations, download collateral materials, and speak one-on-one with exhibitors.

12:40 PM
12:40 PM
- 1:40 PM

Plenary: Examining Local Building Decarbonization 

From the policies made at the legislative level to the code officials issuing final sign off on a project, municipalities play a pivotal role in the future of building design. Join a virtual living room chat where local leaders discuss the role they believe buildings will play in our energy and emissions future, as well as how they are working to overcome roadblocks and work collaboratively to decarbonize our future. 

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Click the speakers below to view individual presentations and speakers biographies.
1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

1. Empower Innovation Session: Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub funding opportunity.

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1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

2. Empower Innovation Session: Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub funding opportunity.

Watch Recording

1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

3. Empower Innovation Session: Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub funding opportunity.

Watch Recording

1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

4. Empower Innovation Session: Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub funding opportunity.

Watch Recording

1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

5. Empower Innovation Session: Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub funding opportunity.

Watch Recording

1:40 PM
1:40 PM
- 2:30 PM

6. Empower Innovation Session: Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub

When the right people come together, the exchange of ideas can lead to boundless opportunities to transform our energy, economic, and environmental futures. Join this networking chat to learn more about partnership opportunities associated with the Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub funding opportunity.

Watch Recording

2:30 PM
2:30 PM
- 2:45 PM

Closing Remarks

Click the speakers below to view individual presentations and speakers biographies.

Featured Speakers


Access Event Recordings

The EPIC Forum took place online using an interactive platform that brought hundreds of clean tech innovators together to share best practices, learn about emerging technology, and connect about future projects and partnerships. Registered attendees had the opportunity to participate in plenary panels, breakout sessions, networking opportunities, a virtual exhibit hall, and more.

Recordings are currently available for registered attendees



Have questions about accessing the virtual platform, need help registering or just have a general question? Contact the registration team at 888.993.0302, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. PT, or via email at EPIC@gladstein.org.