Camptonville Community Partnership

In 2001, the nonprofit organization, Camptonville Community Partnership (CCP) 501(c)3 was formed with the mission to support the health, education, economic and social well-being of Camptonville and regional residents of all ages.

About Us

CCP’s vision is: “We value Camptonville and the region as a rural place where people respect and value diversity, responsibly using their social and environmental resources to generate a sustainable, strong and healthy community.”

Camptonville Community Partnership has twenty-five years of experience in planning and implementing direct programs and services that support child-wellbeing including the “whole family approach” as a core functionality to preserve and build community capacity. Our community-driven work helps to build healthy communities for generations to enjoy.

Our Projects

Learn about the CEC-funded research and development projects that our organization is participating in.

Get in Touch

Interested in connecting with our project team? Include your contact information and a brief message on what you'd like to discuss so that the CEC can connect you with the right person.
