Ecotech Resources, Inc.

Ecotech Resources provides environmental consulting and management services. Key areas of business include mitigation monitoring of utility projects, GIS mapping and analysis, biological surveying and monitoring, and environmental due diligence and permitting.

Innovation Partner


Year Founded

Disabled Veteran-Owned Enterprise

Small Business

Diverse Business

About Us

Ecotech Resources provides environmental consulting and management services. Key areas of business include mitigation monitoring of utility projects, GIS mapping and analysis, biological surveying and monitoring, and environmental due diligence and permitting.

Ecotech Resources, Inc.

Number of Employees in California

Our Sustainable Development Goals

Affordable and Clean Energy Life on Land

Get in Touch

Interested in connecting with our project team? Include your contact information and a brief message on what you'd like to discuss so that the CEC can connect you with the right person.
