Electric Vehicle Direct-Current Hub (EVDCH)
RockeTruck, Inc.
Escondido, CA
Recipient Location
Senate District
Assembly District
Project Status
Project Result
The Issue
Project Innovation
This project will develop and demonstrate an innovative medium-voltage direct current (MVDC) power distribution architecture to convert medium-voltage alternating current (MVAC) power from the grid to MVDC power, which is then distributed to direct current fast chargers. The key components of the proposed Electric Vehicle Direct Current Hub (EVDCH) architecture will be a solid-state transformer, a network of charge station converters to interface with the electric vehicles being charged, and a power distribution network connecting these components via a MVDC distribution bus. This innovative architecture will then be demonstrated at a charging station serving medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.
Key Project Members
George Santamaria
Southern California Edison
CSU Los Angeles
Zeem Solutions
Coalition for Clean Air
Match Partners
Southern California Edison
RockeTruck, Inc.
Zeem Solutions