Guidebook on Title 24 Benefits for Local Governments

Local governments earn back about $3.79 for every dollar that municipalities spend to enforce Title 24, Part 6

The Regents of the University of California, on behalf of the Berkeley Campus


Berkeley, CA

Recipient Location


Senate District


Assembly District



Amount Spent



Project Status

Project Result

The Issue

Title 24 standards aimed at minimizing the energy consumption and
environmental footprints of buildings are enforced by the
530+ local building departments across the state
that issue permits for, and conduct inspections
of, building construction activities. The achievement of
the energy, cost, and GHG savings anticipated by
Title 24 is dependent upon vigorous
enforcement by local agencies. Research providing information
on the net benefits to local governments from
the Title 24 standards is needed to inform future
regulatory development and to ensure that present
and future energy efficiency and GHG emissions goals are achieved.

Project Innovation

This project documented the environmental, economic, and equity costs and benefits to local governments of mandatory and voluntary natural gas efficiency standards, both for new buildings and for retrofits of existing commercial and residential structures.

Project Benefits

The major benefit is an improved understanding by local governments of the economic and environmental benefits of Title 24 Building Standards to encourage better enforcement of the standards.

Economic Development

Economic Development

The project showed that local governments and special districts, over time, earn back about $3.79 for every dollar that municipalities spend to enforce Title 24, Part 6 building energy standards related to natural gas.

Key Project Members

Project Member

Louise Mozingo

Associate Professor, Landscape Archit & Envir Plan

Contact the Team
