High Temperature Hybrid Compressed Air Energy Storage (HTH-CAES)
HTH-CAES system utilizes a state of the art, high temperature energy storage solution.
The Regents of the University of California on behalf of the Los Angeles Campus
Los Angeles, CA
Recipient Location
Senate District
Assembly District
Amount Spent
Project Status
Project Result
The Issue
Integrating renewable energy into the energy delivery system presents challenges, such as managing variable and intermittent generation from sources such as wind and solar. To address these challenges, the California Public Utilities Commission identified energy storage procurement targets for investor-owned utilities (IOUs). The U.S. Department of Energy and California Independent System Operator also identified a need for energy storage. However, there are significant barriers to energy storage use, including high capital costs, lack of information regarding performance, and limited operational experience.
Project Innovation
This project designed a low-cost 74kW pilot High Temperature Hybrid Compressed Air Energy Storage (HTH-CAES) system that can efficiently store grid-level energy and release that energy when it is needed to meet peak demand, particularly for ancillary services and load following use-cases. This project documented and reported on the design, anticipated performance and lessons learned of the HTH-CAES system to increase knowledge and understanding of how these storage systems perform and the barriers to siting and operations.
Project Benefits
Compressed air energy storage may be a viable solution for long-term and large-scale storage applications. HTH-CAES potentially has lower capital and maintenance cost and less geographic restrictions than other storage technologies. In the HTH-CAES technology, compressors are used to convert inexpensive off-peak electric power into compressed air and thermal reservoirs.

The 74 kW system is designed to cost $938/kW and $156/kWh installed. Its designed to reach an efficiency goal of 85% and to last 15,000 cycles. At that level, cost could be 7 cents/kWh/cycle.

Environmental Sustainability
HTH-CAES produces no carbon emissions and utilizes a low-waste and environmentally friendly construction. This technology will reduce emissions of CO2, SO2, NOx, and CO by displacing natural gas fired peaker plants.
Key Project Members

Pirouz Kavehpour

Murray Company

Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, Inc.