Isothermal Compressed Air Energy Storage with Solar and Load Forecasting Integration

This project will provide the nation's first real-time data on the operation and performance of a modular isothermal CAES system.


LightSail Energy


Berkeley, CA

Recipient Location


Senate District


Assembly District



Project Status

Project Result

This project was terminated. LightSail Energy Inc. closed its energy storage division. No work was completed and no funds were disbursed for this project.

The Issue

This project was to help solve several barriers preventing the widespread incorporation of energy storage assets into the grid. This project was to provide California utilities with information that can be used in assessing the costs and benefits of isothermal compressed air energy storage (I-CAES) for various use cases as well characterizing the operation of I-CAES. Results were to be used to reduce the capital, installation and operation costs of the system, as well as determine areas for performance improvement.

Project Innovation

LightSail Energy, along with its partner, the University of California San Diego (UCSD), wasto design build, operate, monitor, and analyze an I-CAES system on the Eliot Field PV station owned by UCSD. The energy storage system was to be a pilot unit for testing the capabilities and performance potential of I-CAES for load following and ancillary services, as well as renewable integration. The project was to also gather data needed to reduce the cost of I-CAES, increase its efficiency, and support its incorporation into the California electric grid. The installed energy storage system was to be be capable of charging from both the installed PV on site and the electric grid (operated by SDG&E) and was to be capable of 200kW of discharging power and was to store up 800kWh of energy.

Project Benefits

This project was to provide California utilities with information that can be used in assessing the costs and benefits of I-CAES to reduce the capital, installation and operation costs of the system. This constitutes a step towards meeting the Energy Commission targets of $1,000/kW, $200/kWh, and 80% round trip efficiency for energy storage.

Consumer Appeal

Consumer Appeal

The I-CAES system can be sited almost anywhere, including in dense urban areas where traditional energy storage and generation facilities could not be sited due to size, safety and use of hazardous chemicals.

Lower Costs


Lowering the cost of energy storage to $1,000/kW$200kWh (installed). The high capital costs of energy storage due to the lack of information regarding performance, and limited operational experience is a significant barrier to its use.

Economic Development

Economic Development

I-CAES' potential to be the lowest-cost and longest-lifetime energy storage system on the market can provide beneficial impact on: End-user Bill Management, Resource Adequacy, Flexible Capacity and T&D Support/Deferral.

Greater Reliability


Reduce distributed PV impact on the grid. Due to the intermittent nature of renewable energy (PV) as well as the increased ramping requirements it places on the grid, reducing these impacts will increase grid reliability.

Key Project Members

Project Member

M. Travis O'Guin

Project Manager



The Regents of California, San Diego


Energy & Environmental Economics, Inc.


Olivine, Inc.


Robert D. Caldwell


Match Partners


LightSail Energy


Contact the Team
