Measure Results from Affordable Zero Net Energy Homes
Validating the Performance of Affordable Zero Net Energy Homes
Institute of Gas Technology dba GTI Energy
Des Plaines, IL
Recipient Location
Senate District
Assembly District
Amount Spent
Project Status
The Issue
The purpose of this research was to assess the potential for optimized climate-specific zero net energy (ZNE) in new residential buildings. This was done by developing prototype packages and piloting them in two single family homes in the City of Stockton to evaluate ZNE building energy performance and to advance consumer and building industry acceptance.
Project Innovation
Permits were pulled for two identical new houses located with the same solar orientation, within the same city block. One house is all-electric and the second is mixed-fuel (electric and natural gas). Both houses include advanced features in the seven categories listed below. The designs featured minimum energy use, excellent indoor air quality, conventional suburban architectural design, and practical, economical construction. The houses were built with standardized dimensions to minimize construction debris and wasted material.
The package of advanced energy-efficiency measures includes:
1) Adaptive, replicable, and efficient architectural design;
2) Advanced framing, air-tightness and high thermal-performance enclosures;
3) High-performance, right-sized heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems;
4) Low-energy efficient water heating system design;
5) Water conservation;
6) Advanced lighting; and
7) Renewable energy (solar PV).
Project Benefits
This project demonstrated that affordable ZNE houses are readily achievable using economical construction techniques and on-site renewable energy in combination with high performance housing approaches developed from research and development over the past decade.
An eBook titled, Real-World Zero Net Energy: Homes for California, details the design process, the measures applied, the construction process, and related “tips and traps” to assist builders in achieving affordable, cost-effective ZNE.
Project cost savings include right-sized HVAC and advanced framing methods that reduced lumber and windows by 60% and heat pump size by 80% compared to typical homes.
Consumer Appeal
Monitored data and survey responses confirmed that these high-performance homes deliver acceptable occupant comfort and high satisfaction levels.
Key Project Members
Kaushik Biswas
Davis Energy Group, Inc.
Mason-Grant Company
Chitwood Energy Management
Steve Easley & Associates
Energy Docs Home Performance
Design AVEnues LLC
Bruce King
George Koertzen
Habitat for Humanity SJC
Match Partners
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas)