Performance-based Monitoring and Risk Assessment Tool for Gas Pipelines under Natural Forces
The University of California, Berkeley will demonstrate the coupling of remote and embedded sensing technologies with an open-source seismic risk assessment tool. The project will increase gas system safety and reliability by enabling more accurate
The Regents of the University of California on behalf of the Berkeley campus
Berkeley, CA
Recipient Location
Senate District
Assembly District
Project Status
Project Update
The Issue
Project Innovation
This project will demonstrate the use of remote and embedded sensing technologies to monitor and gain insights into the performance of gas infrastructure assets and manage risk. Sensing technologies will be deployed at two field sites and large-scale experimental sites. Data collected will be coupled with an open-source a seismic risk assessment tool in predictive modeling and data analytics. The project will increase gas system safety and reliability by enabling more accurate identification of at-risk infrastructure.
Key Project Members
Kenichi Soga
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Slate Geotechnical Consultants Inc.
Match Partners
The Regents of the University of California on behalf of the Berkeley campus
Slate Geotechnical Consultants Inc.