Research, Development and Demonstration of Low-Emission CNG Engines for Construction Vehicles
Advanced natural gas engines used in off-road vehicles offers a near term emission reduction solution
Olson-Ecologic Engine Testing Laboratories, LLC
Fullerton, CA
Recipient Location
Senate District
Assembly District
Project Status
Project Result
The Issue
Construction equipment is one of the largest category of off-road emissions in the South Coast Air Basin, accounting for about one third of the off-road NOx and PM 2.5 emissions. Both pollutants contribute to the region's serious air quality problems. Despite improvements in air quality over the last forty years, the South Coast Air Basin has suffered an uptick in the number of unhealthy smog days in 2016. For most off-road equipment categories running on diesel, PM 2.5 component is a particulate matter of concern and is classified as toxic.
Project Innovation
This project is being terminated (see project update). Its original intention was to acquire, test, develop research, and demonstrate two engines in two different off-road construction vehicle applications. One off-road 18 liter engine will be converted from diesel to compressed natural gas (CNG) for use in a Caterpillar scraper. The second engine that will be acquired and demonstrated for off-road use is the newest and cleanest CNG from Cummins Westport Inc., an 8.9-liter engine for use in a Caterpillar loader. California State University Fullerton will address opportunities to improve fuel efficiency when compared to conventional fueled engines operating in similar duty-cycles. This research will identify the various sources of energy losses. The analytical and simulation models will assess potential areas for improvement and these will be implemented where practicable.
Project Benefits
This project targets a high-emitting vehicle market that has not yet been addressed. Due to the size and life-span of the large construction vehicles, research has been limited, but this research aims to look at effective strategies to integrate the use of natural gas in these vehicles in order to reduce emissions.
Key Project Members

Michael Naylor

Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas)

Omnitek Corp

CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation

VeRail Technologies, Inc

Cummins Pacific

Peed Equipment Company

Stice Company

CMI Transportation

Diesel Exhaust & Emissions

S.W. Compressors

Match Partners

Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas)