San Diego Libraries Zero Net Energy and Integrated Demand Side Management Demonstration Project
A Blueprint for Local Governements to Achieve Zero Net Energy
Center for Sustainable Energy
San Diego, CA
Recipient Location
Senate District
Assembly District
Amount Spent
Project Status
Project Result
The agreement has ended. All CEC reimbursable funds have been paid.
View Final ReportThe Issue
California's ZNE goals set a requirement of 50% of municipal buildings to be ZNE by 2025. There is a need to test and demonstrate technologies in a ZNE to create a replicable blueprint for local governments to achieve ZNE buildings for continued growth.
Project Innovation
Through a partnership with the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) and the City of San Diego, the project demonstrates a BertBrain pre-commercial plug load technology integrated into the building management systems to serve as a blueprint to local governments. The project also improves energy efficiency by installing LED lighting, enhanced building automation, and controls at three City libraries. The research created community outreach by creating energy kiosk displays that allow the public to visualize each library's energy consumption, solar generation, and energy savings.
Project Goals
Project Benefits
The results showed that the integrated building control system technology can reduce HVAC, lighting, and shading loads up to 40 percent compared to typical baseline systems, depending on building application, size, location, geometry, and climate zone. Adding integrated shading and operable fenestration can dramatically reduce peak energy demand associated with cooling and reduce annual energy usage. Peak demand were reduced up to 15 percent for an integrated building control system that incorporated natural ventilation and building precooling, which is the introduction of using cooling in the building earlier in the day than when it is needed. This reduces the amount of cooling energy required to maintain comfort temperatures..

The project reduced energy by integrating a package of energy efficiency measures with a pre commercial technology. It is estimated that the project could save the City of San Diego approximately $36,000 annually, collectively at the three public libraries,not including solar generation savings.
Key Project Members

Kristin Larson

Mazzetti, Inc.

Sustainability Matters

US Green Building Council - Los Angeles Chapter

M+NLB Construction

ABM Building Services,LLC

ABM Electrical and Lighting Solutions Inc

Match Partners

San Diego Gas &

Electric Company

City of San Diego

US Green Building Council - Los Angeles Chapter

ABM Electrical and Lighting Solutions Inc