Scale-up of Magnetocaloric Materials for High Efficiency Magnetic Refrigeration
Scale-up of Magnetocaloric Materials for High Efficiency Magnetic Refrigeration
General Engineering & Research, L.L.C.
San Diego, CA
Recipient Location
Senate District
Assembly District
Amount Spent
Project Status
Project Result
As of the end of 2023, the project team has optimized processing to achieve greater than 20% improvement in the performance of the magnetocaloric materials, which is above the target for this project. The team has the ability to make these magnetocaloric materials in-house at greater than 1kg/day capacity which is the target LRIP (low rate initial production) for this project, and GE&R can also provide them in the form of sub-millimeter sized particles and thin plates. The project is continuing to perform systematic heat treatment development to try to further improve the performance of the magnetocaloric materials. For the remainder of 2024, GE&R will focus on improving performance of the magnetocaloric materials to achieve a peak absolute change in entropy under 3T magnetic field of 3kJ/kg or greater for all alloys functioning in the 10-300K temperature range. In 2024, all remaining deliverables will also be submitted to the CEC.
The Issue
Magnetic refrigeration is a high efficiency refrigeration technology that uses no hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and has the potential to replace traditional vapor compression cycle (VCC) systems. Magnetic refrigeration has been shown to be up to 50% or more energy efficient compared to VCC technologies, without using environmentally hazardous materials. Magnetic refrigeration utilizes the magnetocaloric effect (MCE), which is the temperature variation of a magnetic material after exposure to a magnetic field. However, the lack of low-cost and widely available magnetocaloric materials is preventing the wider adoption of magnetic refrigeration technology.
Project Innovation
General Engineering & Research (GE&R) has developed MCE compositions that meet both the performance and cost requirements to be compatible with large scale implementation of magnetic refrigeration systems. For this project, GE&R will develop the processing systems to manufacture their MCE materials in forms needed for integration into magnetic refrigeration systems (spheres and thin plates). Equipment with 1kg or larger batch processing will be installed to accommodate 1kg/day low-rate initial production. Production at this scale will allow for end users to develop and test magnetic refrigeration prototypes, and ultimately move these systems into production.
Project Goals
Project Benefits
This project will help facilitate further development and deployment of magnetic refrigeration systems, which offer significant efficiency improvements over traditional vapor compression cooling systems while using no hydrodrofluorocarbons. Increased use of magnetic refrigeration can lead to lower energy use and GHG emissions.

Magnetic refrigeration offers a significant reduction in energy consumption compared to traditional cooling technologies that rely on vapor compression. Additionally, the recipient's MCE materials can be produced at a lower cost.

Environmental Sustainability
Magnetic refrigeration is a high efficiency refrigeration technology that uses no hydrodrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and has the potential to replace traditional vapor compression systems.
Key Project Members

Robin Ihnfeldt
Match Partners

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

General Engineering &

Research, L.L.C.