UPscaling Grid-friendly, Resilient, AfforDable, and Efficient modular housing

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Berkeley, CA

Recipient Location


Senate District


Assembly District



Amount Spent



Project Status

Project Result

The Issue

Project Innovation

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) will be partnering with the advanced modular home builder Mighty Buildings (MB), Habitat for Humanity-East Bay and Silicon Valley (HH), community-based organization East Contra Costa Community Alliance (ECCCA), Marin Clean Energy (MCE), and University of California, Berkeley (UCB), to design and build more grid-friendly, affordable, and resilient advanced modular homes in disadvantaged areas of Bay Point in Contra Costa County (Climate Zone 12). The homes will build upon Mighty Buildings’ three-dimensional (3D) modular panels which enable much faster onsite construction than conventional stick-built homes. The demonstration project will consist of three townhome units on a single site and include solar and energy storage for greater resilience; advanced high efficiency electric heat pump equipment; capability to shift to low power mode during grid emergencies or power outages for resilience, and a lower cost of ownership over ten years than typical modular homes today and MB’s baseline home without energy storage. We will develop a first-of-its-kind manufacturing and total cost of ownership model for modular homes; integrate innovative features into MB’s Oakland factory site; construct and demonstrate the units in the Bay Point DAC; test and validate the operating cost savings and improvements in building performance and heat resilience; conduct community outreach and training with local contractors on modular homes and construction techniques; and survey underserved residents across the state for the first time on their preferences and willingness to purchase modular homes.

Key Project Members

Project Member

Max Wei

Contact the Team
