Productizing Transparent Solar Windows: Enabling Production of Transparent Renewable Energy Generating Windows

Ubiquitous Energy, Inc.


Redwood City, CA

Recipient Location


Senate District


Assembly District



Amount Spent



Project Status

Project Update

In 2022, Ubiquitous Energy expanded its team to include manufacturing, glass industry, and coating experts. Together with vendor partners, the team performed proof of concept, initial trials, and design development prior to placing orders for three additional production tools for the pilot prototype line. These tools will 1) improve the quality and stability of substrates; and 2) improve manufacturability, throughput, and add automation to several insulated glass unit (IGU) manufacturing steps. A manufacturing scale defect detection system was also ordered to add process development and quality control capabilities and is expected to arrive in 2023. Though the team is working with tool manufacturers to expedite delivery timelines, challenges persist in procuring different components from vendors, especially electronic components.

The Issue

Although premium low-E windows maximize the rejection of excessive heat from entering a building, it usually does so at an unwanted aesthetic tradeoff as seen in the windows having an undesired pink-purple color tint. Additionally, the solar heat being reflected back into the environment is not being captured as useful energy. To date, there is not a market ready window product that effectively prevents heat from entering the building through the windows, generates renewable energy, and is easily manufactured at an attractive price point.

Project Innovation

This project will accelerate commercialization of Ubiquitous Energy's existing innovative window coating technology prototype by advancing the pilot-scale manufacturing line to meet the market entry production requirements. The transparent coating technology is applied directly to glass window panes to generate electricity and simultaneously provide high energy efficiency by insulating the building from solar heat. Under this agreement, Ubiquitous Energy will develop and demonstrate manufacturing capabilities that achieve the Low-Rate Initial Production levels.

Project Benefits

Lower Costs


Upon commercialization and widespread adoption, UE window products promise to significantly increase the energy efficiency and energy generation to provide higher cost savings to all ratepayers that have adopted the UE technology.

Key Project Members

Project Member

Veeral Hardev

Director of Business Development
Ubiquitous Energy, Inc.

Match Partners


Ubiquitous Energy, Inc.


Contact the Team
